Best Mods and Addons Apps

Villagers for Minecraft 3.1.0
Best Mods and Addons
Villagers Come Alive makes villagers seem more alive and useful inMinecraft PE
Mech Suit for Minecraft PE 1.0.15
Best Mods and Addons
This is an addon which adds a robotic mechsuit to the game. You can ride the mech suit, control it and evenmake it fight for you. It works extremely well and is really amust-have addon for anyone who want a more modern way of doingwarfare in Minecraft.Build a Mech SuitTo spawn the mech suit you will need four iron blocks and onepumpkin. Place the pumpkin on the center top of the structure asseen in the image down below.It is the iron golem which is replaced by the mech suit. It’suseful for everything from fighting mobs to getting you somewherequickly.Riding ControlsBy riding it you will be much more powerful than most mobs inMinecraft as it has some amazing abilities.iOS / Android: Press down your finger on the screen and hold yourfinger on the mech suit and a Ride button will appear.You can control it with a joystick (carrot on a stick).To make it run faster you need to use the joystick: iOS/Android:tap with the item on the ground, Windows 10: right-click.CombatThe mech suit automatically detects mobs in its surroundings andattack them (attack damage: 10 – 21 per hit). This type of attackmode is enabled once the joystick (carrot on a stick) no longer isin your active slot. Sometimes this features glitches but justreenter the vehicle and it will work fine again.It only attacks friendly, neutral and hostile mobs. Players willnever be attacked.Other FunctionalitiesThe mech suit has an inventory of 27 available slots which all canbe used for storing blocks and items. To access the inventory doeither of the following:iOS / Android: Sneak, press your finger on the screen and hold itover the mech suit. Then press Open to open the inventory.Windows 10: Sneak and right-click the mech suitYou can automatically move blocks and items to chests which arecontained by the mech suit.Begin by connecting a hopper to a chest. Then walk on top of thehopper to automatically start transferring the items contained bythe mech suit to the connected chest.You can also use this feature for droppers!If it is hurt you can heal it by feeding it iron ingots.Use an anvil to create a named name tag. Then use the name tag onthe mech suit to give it a name.You can put it on a leash and tie it to a fence post.The diamond armor has also been retextured as you can see in theimages above!General InformationHealth: 100 full hearts (default iron golem: 50 full hearts)Attack damage: 10 – 21Control with a carrot on a stickFights any nearby mobs if it’s seated by a player and he/she is notholding a carrot on a stickReplaces the iron golemChangelogMore healthMore attack damageNameableHeal with iron ingots if hurtDrops more iron when killedMoves fasterNew textures:Carrot on a stick retextured to a joystickMech armor suitDiamond armorIron blockLeashableInventoryTransfer items from mech suit inventory to chests using hoppers anddroppersImportant Consumer Information: requires Internet connection todownload additional content (network fees may apply); containsdirect links to the Internet and social networking sites intendedfor an audience over 13.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for Minecraft PocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner. Allrights reserved. In accordance with
Minion addon for Minecraft 1.0.16
Best Mods and Addons
Minions are yellow, small, cylindricalcreatures which are most known for their appearance in the Minionsmovie. This addon adds them to Minecraft PE. They are very cute andcan be used for multiple things. For example, you can tame them,have them fight for you or you can send them away on missions suchas hunting or to go fishing.TamingMinions can be found spawning in the Nether (because they replacezombie pigmen). You can also spawn them using the zombie pigmanspawn egg.To tame a minion you will first need to find a big one. Then feedit some bananas (carrots) until it likes you. Tame chance: 33%. Ifyou find a baby minion you can feed it some bananas too toaccelerate its growing process.iOS / Android: Long press on the minion with a banana (carrot) andpress TameWindows 10: Right-click on a minion with a banana (carrot)A tamed minion will by default follow its master. You can commandit to sit/stand (similar to a wolf) or even tie it to a fence postif you get tired of it.MissionsYou can give a tamed minion a couple of different jobs by giving itany of the following tools.Sword = Hunt animalsAxe = Chop down treesPickaxe = MineHoe = HarvestShovel = DigFishing rod = FishingIt will take anywhere between 1 – 5 minutes for a minion to returnto you after it has been given a task. You can then press on thebutton to retrieve the items which it collected. In this case, Ihad asked it go fishing, so it dropped some fish.CombatMinions are no cowards. If you get attacked by a mob your tamedminion will be quick to help you. And it will also attack anythingwhich you attack.OtherThe crops textures for carrots have been replaced by bananacrops.Evil MinionThere are a few different ways that an evil minion can spawn. Itreplaces the skeleton so it does spawn randomly in your worlds. Youcan transform an ordinary (yellow) minion into an evil one a viceversa.Transform wild minion into an evil minion by throwing a poisonouspotion at itTransform an evil minion into a wild minion by throwing a potion ofweakness at itAlso, if a normal (yellow) minion is killed by an evil minion thenit will turn into its adversary.General InformationMinionsImmune to fireReplaces zombie pigmenSpawns in the NetherWildBabiesFriendlyCan’t breedHealth: 5 heartsFeed it bananas (carrots) to accelerate growingAdultsNeutralBreedableHealth: 10 heartsAttack damage: 5Feed it bananas (carrots) to tame it (tame chance: 33%)TamedHealth: 15 heartsAttack damage: 6Protects its masterLeashableGive it any of the following tools to give it orders. Returns after1 min and you can retrieve the items it gotSword = kill animalsAxe = chop down treesPickaxe = mineHoe = harvestShovel = digFishing rod = fishingEvil MinionsReplaces skeletonHealth: 10 heartsHostile towards players, yellow minions and all other mobs exceptmonstersAttack damage: 3Transformation (takes 10 seconds)Transform wild minion into an evil minion by throwing a poisonouspotion at itTransform an evil minion into a wild minion by throwing a potion ofweakness at itIf a wild minion is killed by an evil minion then it turns into anevil oneImportant Consumer Information: requires Internet connection todownload additional content (network fees may apply); containsdirect links to the Internet and social networking sites intendedfor an audience over 13.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for Minecraft PocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB or Illumination Entertainment or Universal. The Minecraft Name,the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are all property ofMojang AB or their respectful owner. The Minions brand and Minionsname are all property of Illumination Entertainment and Universal.All rights reserved. In accordance with
Mine-Bikes for Minecraft 1.0.15
Best Mods and Addons
The Mine-Bikes Add-on adds three motorbikestothe game (all of which replace vanilla mobs). Currently therearethree bikes with different colors but other than that they arejustthe same. They are very fast and will let you more easily getaroundin Minecraft.How to ride a motorbike?First off you need to find a bike. It’s probably easiest to getoneof the following spawn eggs from the creative inventory to spawnabike in-game.Yellow Bike = SkeletonRed Bike = StrayPurple Bike = Wither SkeletonBlack = Zombie PigmanWhite= HuskYou won’t start driving it until you’ve equipped a key (carrot onastick) in your hand.iOS / Android: Long press on the bike and press DriveWindows 10: Right click on the bikeTo use the nitro tap on the ground with the key (carrot on astick)while riding the bike.This addon lets you explore the world of Minecraft using amodernmotorbike. It works perfect for multiplayer too. Start yourownbiker gang today!Important Consumer Information: requires Internet connectiontodownload additional content (network fees may apply);containsdirect links to the Internet and social networking sitesintendedfor an audience over 13.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in any way withMojangAB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and theMinecraftAssets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectfulowner. Allrights reserved. In accordancewith
Amazing Mobs for Minecraft PE 1.0.15
Best Mods and Addons
The Amazing Mobs Add-on replaces nine mobsinMinecraft Pocket Edition with some of the most amazingmythologicalcreatures. Most of them you will be able to tame andkeep as yourpet. And some of them, such as the scorpion, you willbe able toride like a horse. Let one of these awesome companionsjoin you onyour next adventure!Legendary CreaturesThe Manticore (replaces the cow and mooshroom) is amythologicalbeast with the body of a lion and a tail of a scorpion.The adultones are hostile and will lash out with a poisonous attackif theplayer gets too close.If you find a little one (a baby) then you can use any kind ofrawmeat to tame it. Continue to feed it until it has grown tofullsize. You can then use it as a mount and control it by the useof astick.Giant Wolves (replace wolves) are slightly larger than anormalwolf. As an adult they are hostile and this means that youmustfind a baby wolf in order to tame one.There are two types of Scorpions. The black one (replaces thecavespider) is hostile and has a venomous stinger tail whichisextremely poisonous. The other one is green and neutral(replacesthe normal spider). You can tame the green one with anytype of rawmeat.Sit on the back of your tamed scorpion and control it withastick.The Medusa (replaces endermen) is another mythologicalcreaturewhich has venomous snakes in place of hair. Whatever you do– don’tlook into her eyes! She is much more dangerous thananenderman!Little Dragons (replace bats) are extremely hostile and willspitfireballs at anything which moves.A Wyvern (replace bats) is a mythical creatures with wings andtwolegs. This is the same Wyvern as found in the popularWyvernsAdd-on. If you want to read some about the specific featuresforthe wyvern then go to that page.The Ents (replace creepers) are guardians of the nature. Theywillattack anything which doesn’t belong there. For example,zombies,skeletons and any of the above creatures will be attacked.Yourtamed animals will do nothing to protect you againstthismagnificent creature – it’s simply too frightening tothem.A Unicorn (replaces horses) is a legendary animal with a horn onitsforehead. Besides the new look it still behaves much the sameto ahorse.ChangelogAdded wyvernSome other minor fixesImportant Consumer Information: requires Internet connectiontodownload additional content (network fees may apply);containsdirect links to the Internet and social networking sitesintendedfor an audience over 13.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in any way withMojangAB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and theMinecraftAssets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectfulowner. Allrights reserved. In accordancewith
Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft 1.0.15
Best Mods and Addons
Zombie Apocalypse is an add-on whichmakessurvival mode much more difficult. Hostile mobs such aszombies areboth stronger and faster and they are no longer affectedby thesunlight. This means that you can run into zombies any timeduringthe day. Humans, villagers, animals – none of you are safe inthisworld. Watch out! Zombies are out there to eat you!How does it work?Anything alive is a target to zombies. This includes bothplayersand animals such as pigs and chickens. Zombies are nolongeraffected by the sunlight and this means that they can growintomassive numbers quickly.One time I found myself hiding in a tree top and when Ieventuallygot down they quickly came after me.Turn your survival world into a post-apocalyptic world. If youwatchThe Walking Dead then this addon is a must-have!All FeaturesDown below you can find all features which this add-on changesoradds.NEW: Zombie spawning increasedNEW: Villager & zombie villager looks more like humansNEW: If a zombie kills an animal it drops inedible itemsNEW: If a zombie kills a horse it turns into a zombie horseZombies, zombie villagers and husks: don’t burn insunlight,stronger, faster, poison victimsThe baby size for mobs is largerPigs, sheep, and chickens run away from both monstersandplayersTextures are darker (makes the world more gloomy and doomy)Important Consumer Information: requires Internet connectiontodownload additional content (network fees may apply);containsdirect links to the Internet and social networking sitesintendedfor an audience over 13.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in any way withMojangAB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and theMinecraftAssets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectfulowner. Allrights reserved. In accordancewith
PC GUI for Minecraft 3.1.0
Best Mods and Addons
PC GUI changes the design of menus in MCPE to look like the ones inthe PC
Baby Player mod for Minecraft 3.1.0
Best Mods and Addons
Baby Player is an addon which makes it possibility to become a baby(also known as a small person) in Minecraft Pocket Edition. Thebest thing is that it works for any custom skin. This is purely avisual mod as it doesn’t actually change any characteristics of theplayer (e.g. health or strength). The baby player is much smallerthan the ordinary player model. It works perfectly fine for customskins. The only downside which I found by using this mod was thatany item you hold in your hand looks glitched. You can still usethe item but visually it looks bad. You’ll be slightly taller thana baby villager. Quite adorable, don’t you think? I know, his eyeslook a bit spooky but whatever! If you want this baby skin you canget it by clicking here. You could actually use this addon to turninto Ant-Man. Drink some strength and speed potions and you aresoon just like him! Baby Mobs This download includes an optionaladdon which will turn all mobs in Minecraft into babies. Even oneslike the creeper will look like babies. Important ConsumerInformation: requires Internet connection to download additionalcontent (network fees may apply); contains direct links to theInternet and social networking sites intended for an audience over13. DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in any way withMojang AB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and theMinecraft Assets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectfulowner. All rights reserved. In accordance with
Doctor Husk for Minecraft 1.0.15
Best Mods and Addons
Doctor Husk is an addon which adds a doctortothe game. Are you hurt? No problems. Doctor Husk will heal youupand it won’t take more than a few seconds. You can’t bring himwithyou on your adventures but you can keep him stationed at yourbaseand visit him in case of an emergency.Oh noes, I am hurt. What do I do?It’s impossible to tell when but at some point in yourMinecraftlife it’s likely that you will get hurt by a zombie orsome othermonster.If you are lucky you will get away with just some scratchesbutsometimes you might need some medical attention.Doctor Husk (replaces the husk, surprising huh?) is a new mobwhichwill heal you up if you are hurt.You would need to spawn him using a husk spawn egg or you couldgoout into a desert and try to find one and in some way get himbackto your base. He doesn’t move so it might be easier saidthandone.You must stand near Dr. Husk in order for him to heal you.Get your own personal doctor today!Other:Remove health potion effect by drinking milkDies in water and rainImmune to fireChangelogNew healing particlesImproved doctor designReduced behavior sizeNew function for healing playerDies in water / rainInstant healingFireproof abilityUpdated spawn egg designBugfixes and some more!Important Consumer Information: requires Internet connectiontodownload additional content (network fees may apply);containsdirect links to the Internet and social networking sitesintendedfor an audience over 13.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in any way withMojangAB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and theMinecraftAssets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectfulowner. Allrights reserved. In accordancewith
Pocket Decoration for Minecraft 3.0.2
Best Mods and Addons
The Pocket Decoration Mod adds 34 furniture and 16 coloredstainedglass blocks. Some of the decorations include a doorbell,plenty ofkitchen furniture and a fully functional TV. It’s theperfectaddition if you want to decorate your home with somefurniture tomake it look more realistic. Most of them are used fordecorationbut some of them have uses too. How to get thedecorations in MCPE?All of the furniture and decorations can becrafted. We’ve listedall item IDs and crafting recipes further downon this page. If youare in creative mode you can access the newdecorations in yourcreative inventory. The TV can be switched onand off by the use ofredstone. Item/Block IDs & CraftingRecipes Bin (607) (use:remove block from inventory) – 7 iron ingotsOak Cupboard (614) – 8oak wood planks + 1 glass block SpruceCupboard (615) – 8 sprucewood planks + 1 glass block AcaciaCupboard (616) – 8 acacia woodplanks + 1 glass block Cabinet (608)– 8 wooden blocks + 1 chestSpruce Cabinet (609) – 8 spruce woodplanks + 1 chest AcaciaCabinet (610) – 8 acacia wood planks + 1chest Chopping Board (612)– 6 wood planks Fridge (619) (use: turnscooked food into raw food)– 7 iron blocks + 1 chest + 1 ice blockKitchen Cabinet (619) – 8lime stained clay + 1 chest KitchenCounter (620) – 3 lime stainedclay + 6 quartz blocks Microwave(622) (use: bakes potatoes) – 6quartz blocks + 2 glass panes + 1stone block Oven (623) (use: useraw food to get cooked food items)– 8 iron blocks + 1 furnace OvenTop (624) – 4 iron ingots + 1glowstone Stereo (626) (use: producessound) – 1 iron ingot + 6acacia wood blocks Stone Path (627) – 3diorite blocks Stone Table(628) – 5 stone blocks Television (630)– 7 stone blocks + 1 glasspane + 1 redstone dust Wooden Table(631) – 5 oak wood planksPresent (625) (use: destroy present toopen and get a random gift) –1 paper + 6 red wool Ceiling Light(611) (use: produces light) – 4glowstones + 1 quartz blockDoorbell (618) (use: produces sound) – 2oak wood + 1 quartz blockSpruce Wood Cabinet (606) – 8 oak woodplanks + 1 chest Acacia WoodCabinet (607) – 8 acacia wood planks +1 chest Curtains (614) – 5orange wool + 2 gold ingots Tablet (629)(use: used with the coinsto buy iron ingots) – 7 stone blocks + 1glass pane + 1 gold ingotCoin (613) (use: money used for purchasingiron ingots with thetablet) – 1 gold ingot Oak Wood Drawer (601) –7 oak wood planks +2 chests Spruce Wood Drawer (602) – 7 sprucewood planks + 2 chestsAcacia Wood Drawer (603) – 7 spruce woodplanks + 2 chests BirchWood Drawer (604) – 7 spruce wood planks + 2chests Dark Oak WoodDrawer (605) – 7 dark oak wood planks + 2chests Jungle Wood Drawer(606) – 7 dark oak wood planks + 2 chestsWooden Timber (632) – 6wood planks Important Consumer Information:requires Internetconnection to download additional content (networkfees may apply);contains direct links to the Internet and socialnetworking sitesintended for an audience over 13. DISCLAIMER: Thisis an unofficialapplication for Minecraft Pocket Edition. Thisapplication is notaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are allproperty of MojangAB or their respectful owner. All rightsreserved. In accordancewith